Water Softeners

High quality conditioned water. It's a difference you and your family can see and feel. Especially when it comes from the Culligan Mark 89 or Mark 812 Water Conditioner. Whatever your water softening needs are, these Culligan water conditioners are built to handle them - no matter where you live.

With the Mark 89 or Mark 812 Softener. almost every household water supply can be softened. Plus, these two conditioners give you as much conditioned water as you need each month, automatically. And when there happens to be more people at home, our custom Guest-Cycle feature delivers an extra supply of soft water too.

Believe it or not, over half of all American homes suffer from the effects of hard water. Soap residue on laundry, spotted dishes, clogged plumbing pipes, even dry skin may stem from water that has too much calcium or magnesium. Install a Mark 89 softener or the higher capacity Mark 812 softener and you begin to see an immediate difference. Everything you wash starts looking cleaner and fresher. Clothes take on a new brightness. They last longer, too, because there's no soap residue to stain and weaken fibers. Dishes, glasses and cookware sparkle. The dull, sticky film you used to see on bathroom tiles is gone. Even your skin and hair feel softer, because conditioning eliminates hard water impurities that clog pores and cause dryness.

You should also notice the difference in your bills: conditioned water allows you to use less detergent, shamposs, and other cleaners. And since your working water is now automatically conditioned, you can do without expensive rinse additives in your dishwashing or washing machines. Even better, conditioned water reduces the ability of mineral deposits to build-up in plumbing pipes and hot water heaters. You can reduce plumbing repairs and your water heating costs by as much as 29 percent.

Contact us for more information on water softeners or any of our other water treatment products. We'll customize a water system that's right for your family.

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